What would you say to a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential? Would you like to see a world in which women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men?
How about a world in which no woman lives in fear of violence and child marriage is a thing of the past?
This is the world that Zonta envisions, and we would love to have you join us in working towards this vision.
The Zonta Club of Victoria would like to invite you to consider becoming a member of our organization. We meet once a month and host social and fund-raising events in support of advancing women’s rights through education, health, and other life improvements.
Zonta believes strongly in bringing together knowledgeable and socially conscious people with diverse career backgrounds. Each one of us brings a specific talent, skills and knowledge, that make us a strong and successful presence in Victoria and internationally. Would you like to make an addition and contribution to our club? We, in Zonta, know everyone is very busy, and hence our members contribute their time and service accordingly.
Zonta is one of the world’s largest international service clubs for women and men, currently active in 62 countries. Our mission is to improve women’s lives locally and globally through initiatives such as education, health care, and saying “no” to violence against women.
Fundraising projects enable scholarships for young women such as the Amelia Earhart fellowship (women in aerospace science and engineering) and Young Women in Public Affairs scholarships. Advocacy projects raise awareness about violence prevention and reduction, social justice and gender equity issues that continue to exist in today’s world. At the local level, our club supports education and outreach events.
Membership in Zonta is a great opportunity to try something new in a friendly environment. Lead a committee! Get on the Board! Develop new skills!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if collectively we could bring joy and assist women and girls in the world? We, at Zonta, believe we can. Wouldn’t you enjoy being part of the “Z” team that says “yes we can”?
If you're interested in becoming a member or assisting us with our work, fill out the information below:
Would you like to join a virtual town hall discussion to learn more? Or meet one-on-one with a member?
zontavictoria @